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时间:2016-09-07 22:43来源:未知 作者:海底金 点击:
《老子·德道经》《道德经》Tao Te Ching’s management


        这件事情使我联想到:正如我们曾经看到过的资料所言,国外,特别是德国,平均每4个家庭里,就有一本《道德经》,看来是真是不虚的。特别是这些大公司的技术老总,也会关注道德经》在管理中的应用(Tao Te Ching's management perspective)。所以,在此,把这封邮件分享出来(具体邮箱数据已去除,只提供内容),以供参考,希望充分重视我们祖先们留下的道德根文化,古为今用。

         正如这位老总所说的,基于《老子》的管理学的材料是相当多的(There is quite a lot of material on Management Philosophy based on Tao),这既是好事,又觉得稍微有点遗憾——难得从“修之于身,其德乃真”为基础来谈治理和管理。


From:  [omitted] 
Sent: 2016730 10:49
To: jason_wang@omitted...
Cc: committed
Subject: RE:


Hello Jason,


Sorry for the delayed response due to our move. Thank you for your reference to the professor and Dao Society in Germany.

Beyond my appreciation for Dao, my family will look for Chinese connections and we may visit them when we go to Berlin.


BTW: There is quite a lot of material on Management Philosophy based on Tao. I attached an English sample (which I just found – not read).



Or a part of https://www.coursehero.com/file/ptnj25/Leadership-and-management-to-Tao-Te-Ching-According-to-Tao-Te-Chings-leadership/ :

Leadership” and “management” to Tao Te Ching According to Tao Te Ching’s leadership point of view, he expounds on various principles, which are integral to a leader, and they include the need to trust people since this makes them feel trustworthy. Additionally, Tao Te Ching notes that a leader requires to know other people since it is intelligence, knowing oneself is true wisdom, mastering other people is strength whereas mastering oneself is true power. Tao Te Ching elaborates that leaders should not over esteem great and influential men because people become powerless, they need to keep it simple when thinking, leaders that know do not talk, and a leader leads by emptying the minds of people. Other leadership principles are that a leader should pretend not to know the answers because it makes their followers find their own way making them innovative, they should act and not just talk, and leaders should do their work and then step back. Hence, this is the path to serenity (Heider, 2014).


In reference to Tao Te Ching’s management perspective, he states that a manager should be a team leader, that they should have their spare time for reflection, they should be aware of what is happening, and they should concentrate on self-improvement. In addition, Tao Te Ching advocates to the managers that they should not pretend to know all the answers since no one knows everything. Thus, a manager should allow group members to have their time for reflection since they are able to see clearly, what is vital in others and themselves (Heider, 2014)


Enjoy your continued collaboration with .... All the best to you!


Best Regards,



Hello Jason,


Sorry for the delayed response due to our move. Thank you for your reference to the professor and Dao Society in Germany. 


Beyond my appreciation for Dao, my family will look for Chinese connections and we may visit them when we go to Berlin.


BTW: There is quite a lot of material on Management Philosophy based on Tao. I attached an English sample (which I just found – not read). 



Or a part of 


https://www.coursehero.com/file/ptnj25/Leadership-and-management-to-Tao-Te-Ching-According-to-Tao-Te-Chings-leadership/ :

“Leadership” and “management” to Tao Te Ching According to Tao Te Ching’s leadership point of view, he expounds on various principles, which are integral to a leader, and they include the need to trust people since this makes them feel trustworthy. Additionally, Tao Te Ching notes that a leader requires to know other people since it is intelligence, knowing oneself is true wisdom, mastering other people is strength whereas mastering oneself is true power. Tao Te Ching elaborates that leaders should not over esteem great and influential men because people become powerless, they need to keep it simple when thinking, leaders that know do not talk, and a leader leads by emptying the minds of people. Other leadership principles are that a leader should pretend not to know the answers because it makes their followers find their own way making them innovative, they should act and not just talk, and leaders should do their work and then step back. Hence, this is the path to serenity (Heider, 2014). 


 In reference to Tao Te Ching’s management perspective, he states that a manager should be a team leader, that they should have their spare time for reflection, they should be aware of what is happening, and they should concentrate on self-improvement. In addition, Tao Te Ching advocates to the managers that they should not pretend to know all the answers since no one knows everything. Thus, a manager should allow group members to have their time for reflection since they are able to see clearly, what is vital in others and themselves (Heider, 2014)


Enjoy your continued collaboration with .... All the best to you!


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